New info released on the municipal net profit tax

The Ohio Department of Taxation (ODT) issued a new information release for the municipal net profit tax to advise taxpayers and municipalities of recent legislative changes made by Am. Sub. H.B. 33 related to the municipal net profit tax as administered by the ODT.

Topics covered in the information release include the new extended tax return due date, the new apportionment election for remote workers, penalties, notices, rate certifications by municipalities, and semiannual reports for municipalities.

The contents of the information release apply to those taxpayers that have made a valid election to opt-in with the tax commissioner to have the state administer the municipal net profit tax under Ohio Revised Code (R.C.) 718.80. The information release can be found at the link below. 

Please visit or contact ODT at [email protected] with any questions regarding the MNPT. 

Ohio Department of Taxation 
P.O. Box 16158 
Columbus, Ohio 43216-6158 
Telephone: (844) 238-0403 
Fax: (614) 678-7752 
[email protected]