OSCPA urges Congress to support accounting as STEM

OSCPA is asking its federal representatives to support bicameral legislation in Congress and the U.S. Senate to incorporate accounting education into the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) curricula for K-12 students. If passed, the legislation could contribute to the growth of the profession’s pipeline. 

The companion bills are H.R. 3541, the Accounting STEM Pursuit Act of 2023, introduced by Representatives Haley Stevens (D-MI) and Young Kim (R-CA) and S. 1705, the STEM Education in Accounting Act, introduced by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Jacky Rosen (D-NV). 
Early accounting education should help reinforce the interwoven relationship between accounting, math, and technology while exposing diverse students to potential careers in accounting. 
The Ohio Society believes that it is an important step to having accounting recognized as a STEM field. While the profession has always had a heavy emphasis on essential mathematical and statistical competencies, the CPAs and accountants in Ohio, and others who work in accounting throughout the business world, have had to acquire new technology skills to remain competitive, including the development of software, cloud computing, and other emerging technological and innovation skills.