Provided by Hannah News Service
Gov. Mike DeWine announced June 5 that his RecoveryOhio initiative will invest $11 million in federal grants over the next two years to help employers and unemployed workers overcome workforce problems related to the opioid epidemic.
Funded by a National Health Emergency Disaster Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, the money will support employers who hire individuals in recovery and provide job training and other services to help Ohioans recover from substance abuse and find employment.
"This federal grant is an example of what RecoveryOhio is all about," DeWine state in a statement. "We collaborate to address the unique needs of residents. Recovery involves not just treatment but ongoing supports to help individuals lead healthy, productive lives."
The DOL grant will be distributed to Ohio's 20 local workforce development areas under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. They will tailor services to meet local needs but may adopt any of the following:
- Testing of innovative approaches to combat addiction, e.g. by supporting employers who develop second-chance policies and hire individuals in recovery.
- Job training, career services and other supports for unemployed workers who have been directly or indirectly affected by the opioid crisis.
- Temporary employment to alleviate opioid-related workforce problems, e.g. hiring 911 operators, first responders, peer recovery supporters or children services aides for up to 12 months or 2,040 hours.
- Building the addiction treatment, mental health and pain management workforce.
DeWine said RecoveryOhio has "many partners" in the opioid workforce intervention, including OhioMeansJobs centers; the Governor's Office of Workforce Transformation; alcohol, drug addiction and mental health services boards; two-year colleges; community action agencies; libraries; mental health treatment providers; Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation; and Ohio departments of job and family services, mental health and addiction services, higher education, Medicaid, public safety and health.