Lt. Gov., Gateway team answer CPAs’ concerns

OSCPA staff report

In response to a September meeting with OSCPA, The Ohio Business Gateway team is assembling a group “with significant CPA representation” to provide feedback on the gateway.

OSCPA member and Ohio Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor, CPA, and her staff team members visited the Society’s Columbus office on Sept. 5.

In a Nov. 1 letter to Barb Benton, CAE, OSCPA vice president of government relations, Taylor said the new “Business User Community” will “help identify business user enhancement requests, provide feedback on existing and planned system functionality and serve as vehicles for communication to the broader business community.

“I am hopeful, as we discussed in our meeting, that this group will help ensure the long-term partnership that is so important to the success of the Gateway in meeting the needs of Ohio’s businesses,” Taylor wrote.

The Gateway team also provided a document responding to issues raised in the meeting, most notably involving login issues. You can read the complete document here.

OSCPA Tax Policy Director Greg Saul, Esq., CAE, said the Society looks forward to participating in the future meeting referenced in the materials, and you can look for further updates at

The Ohio Department of Administrative Services last month released an update on issues CPAs and other business leaders have reported experiencing on the updated Ohio Business Gateway. OSCPA members and the public can still submit feedback for OBG system enhancement requests via this link, or can reach out directly to Greg Saul with concerns.