Financial planning news from around the web: April 8 – 12, 2019

Written on Apr 09, 2019

This is how much more you need to save for retirement, based on your age
A new survey finds that 44% of American workers who participate in a 401(k) or other workplace retirement plan feel secure about their retirement, as long as they watch their spending. However, many are falling short when you look at the data by generation.

You pay for Netflix and Spotify monthly. What about financial planning?
Charles Schwab just launched a service that could send a shockwave through the financial planning world by launching Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium. After an initial $300 fee, the service costs $30 per month.

Retirees and health care: Here's what it will cost you and how to prepare
Each year, financial services provider Fidelity conducts an estimate of how much a newly retired couple can expect to spend on health care throughout their retirement. And not surprisingly, the expected tab has increased for 2019 retirees.

Video: The best use for robos in a planning practice
Digital advisors are tools, not competitors, says Mirador Capital Partners' Dan Murray. What's more, here's how they can enhance a firm's offerings to clients.

Tech Corner - The truth about hypercasual games
Hypercasual games (tap to play) have seen unprecedented growth over the past year with a market estimated at $2 billion - $2.5 billion in annual revenues. What’s fueling the growth, and what is the impact on the wider gaming industry?